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Struggling to Find Good Shoes?

By August 16, 2022July 28th, 2023No Comments4 min read

It is getting closer to fall, which means more reasonable temperatures outside! Enough of the 100-degree days and crazy humidity. That also means it’s a good time of the year to be out and getting active. We get asked all the time which shoes are the best, and which ones are going to make sure they aren’t hurting while getting healthy. It’s a great question, but has a more lackluster answer. It really depends on the individual person. We are all put together differently, have different needs, and have different demands that we put on our bodies. You aren’t resigned to just trial and error though. We have some basic tips to help enhance your ability to find that shoe that works best for you.



–  This is due to inflammation, holding water, activity, blood flow, and all kinds of little factors. That means that if you shop first thing in the morning, you might get a shoe that is too snug for you when you put it on in the evening. Try shopping after you’ve been active, or towards the end of the day. That will ensure that you get a comfortable fit for when you are out being active.


– The tools to measure your feet are all there and ready for use. Get some assistance from an associate for an accurate measurement. They will gladly help and can recommend sizes that will work best for your foot size and shape. Don’t leave it to chance thinking your feet wont change sizes, because they absolutely can.


– The wiggle test is done by wiggling your toes in the shoes. Pretty complicated right? The goal of this one, is to make sure that you can move all 5 toes in the shoe. You don’t want your foot sliding around, but having room for the toes will save you a lot of pain and allow you to balance properly. The toes are used in all manner of athletic movement.


– Your heel should feel like there is a good grip on it from the shoe. The big thing to look out for, is that the heel shouldn’t be sliding around or feel like its slipping with movements. That makes for an unstable surface, and tons of annoying blisters.


– It’s a trap! The shoes will break in, sure. But they shouldn’t be uncomfortable in the first place. Take a few steps or strides around in the shoes to get a good feel for it before you make that decision for yourself.


– Some people have wider feet. Its just a fact of life. If your toes and the ball of your foot are feeling pressed together or squished, going up a half a size may not be the best option. Check to see if they have a wide size of the same length.

That’s not an exhaustive list of things to look out for, but gives you a good base to understand how to find the best shoe for you. Like we stated, every person is put together differently and has different needs. What works for you might not be best for someone else. It’s difficult to find your best shoe, but it’s worth the trouble to not waste another $100 on a pair that cause you more issues than it solves.

Family First Columbia

At Family First Chiropractic & Wellness Center, located in Columbia, MO, our chiropractors won't guess with your health! Our chiropractic team performs a thorough evaluation of your health history including digital x-rays on site before developing a treatment plan.

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